✨ HTML can do that? – Features That Will Surprise You

Hey everyone ✌️ Here’s a quick look at this week’s newsletter:

📱Mastering Mobile App Patterns
🆙 Pure CSS Magic – ‘Back to Top’ Button
🔍 UX Reality Check – Hope Ahead

Enjoy this week’s edition 👋 – Adam at Unicorn Club.

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🖌️ CSS

New CSS Viewport Units Do Not Solve The Classic Scrollbar Problem

Since the introduction of CSS viewport units in 2012, many of us have been using width: 100vw as a way to set an element’s width to the full width of the viewport.

Revealing ‘back to top’ button

With pure CSS add a ‘back to top’ button.

🎨 Design

Top 10 UX Articles of 2023

The following user-experience articles published in 2023 were the ones our audience read the most

Navigation patterns in mobile applications. How to make the right choice?

Navigation is the heart of any mobile application. The success of an application may depend on how intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly its navigation is.

2023 Was a Bad Year for UX, But the Future is Bright

There has admittedly been some bad news for UX in 2023

🧑‍💻 Dev

Media Queries in HTML Video

I decided to try serving different video using some of the features we use for serving content based on user preferences and accessibility features.

Getting started with Web Performance 🚀

Web performance can often be overlooked, and that’s generally a big mistake.

View Transitions

Animating DOM state changes no longer requires a mountain of code thanks to the new View Transitions API.

HTML can do this? Part 1

I am a strong believer that the more people understand HTML and use it to its full extent, the more accessible the web will automatically become.

🔥 Promoted Links

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Your brand is your greatest asset

With PushBrand, go from idea to brand and fleshed-out design system faster than you can say flexbox. Now in Private Beta. Unicorns warmly invited.